
Since October 1st 2024, the Department Director is Prof. Claudia Riccardi.

  • full, associate and assistant professors affiliated to the Department;
  • department secretary;
  • delegates of the adminitrative-technical staff;
  • delegates of PhD students of the PhD Courses affiliated to the Department;
  • delegates of the PostDoc researchers;
  • delegates of students enrolled to Bachelor and Master Degree Courses affiliated to the Department.

Since October 1st 2024, the President of the Teaching Board of Bachelor and Master Degree Courses is Prof. Alessio Ghezzi.

A Teachers-Students Joint Committee ("Commissione Paritetica Docenti/Studenti") is set up within each Department of the University, constituted by an equal representation of teachers and students between six and ten totally, according to the resolutions of the Department Council.

Composition of the Department of Physics Joint Committee.