
Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy

Director: Prof. Stefano Ragazzi

Deputy Director: Prof.ssa Laura D’Alfonso

The Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy is one of the Ph.D. Programs of the University of Milano-Bicocca and belongs to the Ph.D. School of the University of Milano Bicocca. The key research topics of the graduate program cover Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy in fundamental and applied research.

Given the size of the Department of Physics (entitled to Giuseppe Occhialini) that hosts and fosters the Graduate school, the spectrum of expertise and research is very broad and covers many aspects of physics and astrophysics today, as reflected in the web pages devoted to research. Therefore, the doctoral students are offered well diversified research topics. The Department of Physics have tight cooperation programs (also through appropriate agreements) with prestigious national research institutes such as the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Institute of Physics, National Institute of Astrophysics (especially with the Observatory of Brera), the National Research Council, CNR. The research groups operating within the Department have close scientific connections with the major international centers such as CERN, ESO, and others, and with prestigious Italian and foreign universities.

This ensures a safe integration of young students in a highly educational and stimulating research well into the context of international research in Physics and Astrophysics. In particular, the graduate students have real opportunities to do research abroad, possibly following doctoral courses abroad, thanks to specific budget allocated to each student, and cotutorships with the foreigner Universities. The organization of the Graduate School in Physics and Astronomy are defined by the University general Regulations and Rules of Procedure.

Since 2016, the PhD in Physics has been activated in agreement with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics.

The Ph.D. Programme includes these topics:

  1. Theoretical Physics
  2. Subnuclear Physics
  3. Astrophysics
  4. Plasma Physics and Biophysics
  5. Applied Physics and Electronics