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Space for listening

Space for listening: well-being, inclusiveness and equal opportunities

The University of Milano-Bicocca and the Physics Department "G. Occhialini" promote policies to protect the well-being of people who work and study there, and actions aimed at contrasting any form of discrimination, mobbing, abuse, harassment, and violence.

In the Physics Department a "Commission for Inclusiveness and Gender Issues" has been appointed, which is responsible for organizing initiatives aimed at fostering interest in Physics and Sciences among girls in general, initiatives in favor of equal opportunities and against any form of discrimination, while offering a safe space for listening.

Components of the “Commission for inclusiveness and gender issues” are:


Ruggero Barni (
Laura D’Alfonso (
Daniela Di Martino (
Bruno Giacomazzo (
Silvia Penati (


Ellen Barlow (
Malvina Bellotti (
Irene Ferranti (

How to report a case of abuse, discrimination, or discomfort

The Commission for Inclusiveness and Gender issues has made available the following online form for anonymous reports: (it is not necessary to log in with your Google credentials and you can also access it through Incognito navigation methods of your browser).

However, if you prefer to personally report and discuss episodes of discomfort or discrimination, offensive attitudes, harassment or abuse by peers or teachers, occurring within the University premises, the following methods are suggested, still respecting the freedom of each individual to choose whom to get in contact with.

For students

  1. For an incident deemed not too serious by the individuals involved, it is advisable to report it to the student representatives who will report to the    Commission. The Commission may decide to inform the Director of the Department and the President of the CCD, so that they can take action to solve the problem.
    Alternatively, it is possible to report the incident to one or more members of the Commission for Inclusiveness and Gender Issues. The Commission may decide to inform the Director of the Department and the President of the CCD so that they can take action to resolve the problem. In all cases the anonymity of the people involved will be guaranteed.
  2. For cases considered more serious by the parties involved, or if one does not feel comfortable reporting the problem to one of the above-mentioned parties, it is possible to contact directly the Trusted Counselor, who receives once a month upon appointment via e-mail (

For PhD students

  1. For an incident deemed not serious by the subjects involved, it is advisable to report it, either in person or through their representatives, to the Commission for Inclusiveness and Gender Issues which may decide to inform the Director of the Department and the Coordinator of the Doctorate so that they may take action to solve the problem. In all cases the anonymity of people involved will be guaranteed.
  2. For cases considered more serious by the subjects involved, or if one does not feel comfortable reporting the problem to one of the above-mentioned subjects, it is possible to contact directly the Trusted Counselor, who receives once a month upon appointment via e-mail (