
All offices are located in building U2, 5th floor.
Phone numbers are (+39) 02 6448 xxxx.

Publications are reported in Inspire website or in each member’s personal page.
You can click on their name to see an up-to-date list of their publications.



Simone Alioli

Simone Alioli
Office: 5012a
Phone: 02 6448 2512
Research interests: Field Theory of the Standard Model


Alexandre Mathieu Frederic Belin

Alexandre Mathieu Frederic Belin
Office: 5032
Phone: 02 6448 2422
Research interests: String Theory


Mattia Bruno

Mattia Bruno
Office: 5031
Phone: 02 6448 2531
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Flavor Physics


Marco Cè

Marco Cè
Office: 5039
Phone: 02 6448 2539
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Computational Physics

Mattia Dallabrida

Mattia Dallabrida
Office: 5009b
Phone: 02 6448 2374
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Computational Physics


Massimo Giovannini

Massimo Giovannini (INFN)
Office: 5012b
Phone: 02 6448 2470
Research interests: Gravity, Cosmology and High-Energy Physics


Leonardo Giusti

Leonardo Giusti
Office: 5023
Phone: 02 6448 2532
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Flavor Physics


Noppadol Mekareeya

Noppadol Mekareeya (INFN)
Office: 5026
Phone: 02 6448 2526
Research interests: String Theory


Paolo Nason

Paolo Nason (INFN)
Office: 5041
Phone: 02 6448 2541
Research interests: Field Theory of the Standard Model


Carlo Oleari

Carlo Oleari
Office: 5030
Phone: 02 6448 2530
Research interests: Field Theory of the Standard Model


Sara Pasquetti

Sara Pasquetti
Office: 5025
Phone: 02 6448 2525
Research interests: String Theory


Silvia Penati

Silvia Penati
Office: 5033
Phone: 02 6448 2533
Research interests: String Theory


Michele Pepe

Michele Pepe (INFN)
Office: 5028
Phone: 02 6448 2528
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Computational Physics


Federico Rapuano

Federico Rapuano
Office: 5040
Phone: 02 6448 2540
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory


Emanuele Re

Emanuele Re
Office: 5029
Phone: 02 6448 2305
Research interests: Field Theory of the Standard Model


Luca Rottoli

Luca Rottoli
Office: 5041
Phone: 02 6448 2541
Research interests: Theory and phenomenology of the Standard Model


Alessandro Tomasiello

Alessandro Tomasiello
Office: 5027
Phone: 02 6448 2527
Research interests: String Theory


Alberto Zaffaroni

Alberto Zaffaroni
Office: 5011
Phone: 02 6448 2511
Research interests: String Theory


Guilherme Catumba
Guilherme Catumba
Office: 5038a
Phone: 02 6448 2347
Research interests: Lattice field theory, Computational Physics
Simone Giacomelli

Simone Giacomelli
Office: 5045
Phone: 02 6448 2545
Research interests:


Mitsuaki Hirasawa

Mitsuaki Hirasawa
Office: 5038a
Phone: 02 6448 2347
Research interests: Lattice field theory, QCD, computational Physics


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Vincent Philippe Theo Menet
Office: 5038a
Phone: 02 6448 2347
Research interests:

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Davide Napoletano
Office: 5043
Phone: 02 6448 2543
Research interests: Precision calculations, Monte Carlo event generators, parton showers and resummation


Alexander Neuwirth
Alexander Neuwirth
Office: 5043
Phone: 02 6448 2543
Research interests: Precision calculations, Monte Carlo event generators, parton showers and resummation

Giovanni Pelliccioli
Giovanni Pelliccioli
Office: 5042
Phone: 02 6448 2542
Research interests: Higher-order electroweak and QCD corrections in the Standard Model and beyond

Palash Singh
Palash Singh
Office: 5045
Phone: 02 6448 2545
Research interests: Conformal field theories, supersymmetry, modularity, holography


Giovanni Stagnitto
Giovanni Stagnitto
Office: 5042
Phone: 02 6448 2542
Research interests: Precision calculations, Monte Carlo event generators, parton showers and resummation


Ph.D. Students

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Francesca Bresciani
Office: 5044
Phone: 02 6448 2544
Research interests: Lattice field theory, QCD, Computational Physics


Matteo Bresciani

Matteo Bresciani
Office: 5016
Phone: 02 6448 2516
Research interests: Lattice QCD; Thermal Field Theory

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Davide Castiglioni
Office: 5044
Phone: 02 6448 2544
Research interests:

Riccardo Comi

Riccardo Comi
Office: 5016
Phone: 02 6448 2516
Research interests: Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories, Infra-Red dualities

Sebastiano Garavaglia

Sebastiano Garavaglia
Office: 5044
Phone: 02 6448 2544
Research interests: Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories, Infra-Red dualities



William Harding

William Harding
Office: 5016
Phone: 02 6448 2516
Research interests: Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories, Generalised and Non-invertible Symmetries

Gabriele Morandi

Gabriele Morandi
Office: 5044
Phone: 02 6448 2544
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Computational Physics

Pietro Rescigno

Pietro Rescigno
Office: 5016
Phone: 02 6448 2516
Research interests: Lattice QCD; Thermal Field Theory; Effective Field Theory

Luca Virzì

Luca Virzì
Office: 5016
Phone: 02 6448 2516
Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, QCD, Thermal Field Theory


Updated December 2024