Teaching activities

The Doctoral Course includes various topics:

  • THEORETICAL PHYSICS: field and string theory, standard model field theories, lattice field theories and computational physics.
  • SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS: particle physics at the Large Hadron Collider, flavor physics, neutrino physics, astroparticles and fundamental physics in space.
  • ASTROPHYSICS: cosmology and primordial universe, study of galaxies, high energy astrophysics, gravitational waves and their sources.
  • PLASMA PHYSICS AND BIOPHYSICS: magnetic confinement plasmas, thermonuclear plasmas, plasmas produced by lasers, industrial applications of plasmas; nonlinear optical microscopy applied to biosystems, models for dynamic processes, nanoparticles for nanomedicine.
  • APPLIED PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: design and characterization of analog and mixed integrated circuits for research projects and industrial applications. Digital systems based on microcontrollers, FPGAs and integrated circuits. Physics of semiconductor devices.

All of them include a research period abroad of approximately 3-6 months.


To obtain the title of research doctorate, each student must obtain at least 11 ECTS credits over the three years (unless otherwise provided for by individual doctoral courses), of which:

  • at least 8 credits must be acquired from the specific courses of the doctoral course to which they belong;
  • at least 3 credits (compulsory) must be acquired from interdisciplinary teaching.


To obtain the title of research doctorate, each student must obtain at least 8 ECTS credits over the three years (unless otherwise provided for by individual doctoral courses), of which:

  • at least 6 credits must be acquired from the specific courses of the doctoral course to which they belong, of which at least 4 credits must be acquired from the specific courses provided by our University;
  • at least 2 credits (compulsory) must be acquired from interdisciplinary teaching.

The teaching activity can be consulted on the e-learning platform: https://elearning.unimib.it/course/index.php?categoryid=433&lang=en