Milano-Bicocca Biophysics and Biophotonics Group


The Biophysics and Biophotonics group at the Department of Physics at University of Milano-Bicocca is active in research and education for nano-technology and biotechnology. Current research interests of the group include optical non-linear excitation microscopy, nanoparticles for biophysical and biomedical applications, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and optical nanoscopy.

The group runs a University facility for non-linear optical microscopy and to this purpose it has collaborations with the Biotechnology, the Experimental Medicine and the Environmental Sciences Departments.

News and Notables

A PhD fellowship is available on the FET European project IN2SIGHT (a micro-structured window on the biomaterial reaction in-vivo).
The fellowship covers the 3 years duration of the PhD program in Physics, starting on November 2021.
Deadline for submission around 20 June 2021.


  • Master degree in Physics or Biomedical Engineering and high motivation to work in an interdisciplinary environment;
  • fluent English skills, both written and spoken;

More information on the project at;
Contact: Giuseppe Chirico (


January 2021
IN2SIGHT: An in vivo bioengineered chip as a smart intravital multiphoton imaging window for new validation protocols of biomaterials.
Routine clinical use of biomaterials requires the reduction of the economical and ethical costs of biocompatibility tests (ISO10993 EU norm) which are unsustainable for small-medium industries and for the society. The IN2SIGHT project, funded by EU under the call H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 (FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies), aims to an unprecedented breakthrough in in-vivo optical imaging that will radically renew the biocompatibility tests of biomaterials. A micro-structured chip, built by two-photon laser polymerization (2PP), will recast our thinking of deep tissue in-vivo imaging. The project duration is four years starting from March 2021.
More information on the project at


Example of high resolution thermal imaging obtained on a synthetic sample (microfiche) and on a biological specimen (mouse dermis biopsy) stained with phototermally active nanoparticles.
See also: M. Bouzin1, M. Marini, A. Zeynali, M. Borzenkov, L. Sironi, L. D’Alfonso, F. Mingozzi, F. Granucci, P. Pallavicini, G. Chirico and M. Collini. Photo-activated raster scanning thermal imaging at sub-diffraction resolution. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2019) 10:5523